Laser Skin tightening astutely improves appearance

Laser skin tightening

People who are looking to revive the youthful looks can now rejoice in this new innovation of a non-surgical procedure known as Laser skin tightening. It makes use of infrared light to heat up and contract or tighten the collagen. At the same time, there is also an addition of new skin cells that gradually replace the damaged ones. This process immediately results in noticeable changes and there is nothing like a prolong recovery period. Just like laser hair removal, it applies an intense throbbing beam of light- to the targeted skin areas and the light goes through all the dermal layers.

Most of us are well aware of the fact that the skin becomes loose and droopy as a result of several reasons, such as aging, pregnancy as well as sudden or extreme weight loss. People with sagging skin quite obvious are often reluctant and fearful about undergoing the facelift procedure of surgery so they choose laser skin tightening in Dubai as it is minimally invasive and corrects the lines and sagging in less time. For those with overly excessive droopy skin, plastic surgery may be coupled with laser treatment for best results. It is best for those who want clear results on their skin without undergoing a cosmetic procedure.

Before undergoing any type of skin treatment it is advised that you must have some consultation with the doctor so as to know if the procedure is really beneficial for you. It is also very much a possibility that many people would be least aware of how laser skin tightening works. Below given are some important features of the procedure:

  • About 3 to 4 weeks prior to undergoing treatment, you should be applying sun block and keep away from direct sunlight and must also stop the tretinoin treatment, if you’re taking one, at least one week before the procedure.
  • The procedure usually does not take more than 30 to 60 minutes and involves correction of sagging skin in large areas like the face and neck or the abdomen.
  • The eyes for protection and a cooling gel on your skin. You would be feeling some warmth but all together, laser skin tightening process is comfortable enough so does not need any anesthesia.
  • Pulses of infra-red light will be directed to target areas of your face or body. The laser produces energy which the water in your skin absorbs, affecting the collagen to contract and thus tightening the skin.
  • Some notable changes can be observed in tone and condition of your skin immediately after the treatment along with redness, warmth and tightness but that will diminish within a few hours.

The complete renewal of the skin will take effect in 90 to 180 days, which is the time taken to produce new collagen but sagging skin may require more than one treatment every 4 to 6 weeks.

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