Things to Keep in Mind Before Laser Hair Removal

January 12, 2017
radio frequency treatment dubai

Radio Frequency Treatment: Does it Work?

Radio Frequency treatment is considered as one of the most vital treatments in the field of non-invasive and non-surgical procedures but there are still reservations about the treatment as it takes about a week to produce results and it is nowadays not used as an individual treatment. The radio frequency treatment is a cosmetic related procedure that allows the patient […]
January 11, 2017
neck lift laser treatment

Neck Lift Laser Treatment in Dubai

The neck lift is a cosmetic procedure that tends to contour the shape and size of the neck in order to make it more attractive. The need to neck lift arises due to several factors that eventually contribute to loosening of the skin around the neck area that makes the neck lose its shape. You can prevent the neck related […]
January 11, 2017
wrinkles removal treatment

Surprising Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles at the age of 50 are the sign that you’ve lived your life fully but nowadays due to variables and different factors, the wrinkles and fine lines are being experienced by almost everyone in their early 30’s.  According to a report, the chances of getting wrinkles in early age have increased up to thirty percent due to improper diet […]
January 10, 2017
double chin reduction

Best Treatment to Reduce Double Chin

Double chin is basically the formation of excessive fat tissues in the lower chin region or formation of sagging skin under the chin area; both the factors make extra skin apparent on the lower neck region that appears as another chin. There are several reasons that can aid in the formation of the double chin, usually, it is considered as […]
January 10, 2017
dark circles treatment

Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles

Dark circles are one of the most problematic conditions that are caused by the formation of dark pigmentation or patches in the skin surface around the eye. Usually, the dark circles are accompanied by loosening skin surface around the area and it also can originate with a bag under your eyes. The dark circle formation is experienced by almost everyone […]
January 9, 2017
hair removal lasers abu dhabi

Nd Yag Laser Hair Removal in Abu Dhabi

Nd: YAG is a laser hair removal machine that is hailed as one of the most powerful and result oriented laser hair removal machines available in the market. The Nd: YAG laser is considered more powerful and better than other treatment machines currently available in the market because it is capable of providing sound results on every kind of body […]
January 9, 2017
dubai fat removals lipolysis

How to Get Better Result from Lipolysis

Lipolysis is the breakdown of lipid droplets in the excessive fat area of the body in order to achieve great size and shape of the body. The process has been in use by the plastic surgeons and skin specialists for a long period of time but it is only meant to remove the fat deposits and it has no effect […]
July 22, 2016
Laser hair removal for men

Things to Keep in Mind Before Laser Hair Removal

Are you tired of using razors, fuzzy depilatory creams and tweezing? Want a permanent and perfect solution to unwanted hair on your body? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. There are many who are seeking a more reliable and longer lasting alternative to traditional hair removal methods. This is the time to say bye to razor and […]
January 12, 2016
hair removal options dubai

The Permanent Hair Removal Option

Unwanted body hair can affect the personality in a negative manner. Both men and women can have issues with them. For the most part, women are a lot more particular about ensuring a free from hair body. For this purpose they use numerous options like waxing, shaving and plucking. All these options offer results that only last for a few […]