Obesity is at an all-time high in this day and age. There are numerous factors behind this situation including junk food, poor overall dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles and stress. Many people want to get rid of the excessive fat they have on their bodies but are unable to do so due to their engagements.
One of the ways to counter the issue is to get a fat melting treatment. These treatments are being used extensively worldwide due to their effectiveness. Let’s dig in a little further on Fat Melting Treatments in Dubai.
The treatment is based on medications that are injected for the purpose of melting fat into specific area. It breaks down the fat that is excreted from the body. Do keep in mind that it works best on smaller areas like chin, flanks, arms and thighs and it should not be considered a treatment for extensive weight loss.
The treatment has to be performed more than once to achieve the intended outcome. The treatment is performed after the application of topical anesthetics to counter the pinpricks one feels. Side effects are mild and there is no downtime with this treatment.
Mesotherapy is a noninvasive treatment that can be used to correct a number of issues including melting fat. It is injected into the mesoderm with the help of a specialized injector known as the mesogun. The medication used is based on FDA approved drugs, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. For Fat Melting, cortisone is used as one of the ingredients in the treatment.
The treatment is known as Mesosculpting and it does bring about pretty good results. It is often used for targeted fat reduction.The only discomfort felt during the treatment is pin pricks from the injector. Within a few treatments, desired results can be had.
Laser liposuction
It is an advanced version of the traditional liposuction. It uses both laser technology and Liposuction to remove fat. After numbing down area to be treated, cuts are made for the cannula to be inserted which melts the fat which is sucked out. A cannula with laser on the tip is then inserted which further melts the skin and boosts the collagen level to keep the skin in good shape. At times, the laser is used first.
The treatment does not last for a very long time and excellent results are had. Some of the fat continues to melt after the treatment and is excreted. A significant difference in the level of fat can be observed after a single treatment.
To learn more about the Fat Melting Treatments or to schedule a procedure, please visit us at Dubai Laser Treatment. Alternatively, you can sign up for a free online consultation simply by taking a moment to fill in the form given below.
Please note that we advise cosmetic procedures to be availed only for therapeutic or reconstructive reasons. If you have any symptoms of pain that persist after the treatment, we strongly advise that you see your doctor.