An introduction to non-invasive fat removal treatment

fat removal treatment

During the Renaissance and the Middle Ages, obesity was seen as a sign of wealth, and was more common among the elite. Those days are long gone! This is now a well-known fact that obesity is an underlying cause of many diseases; in fact, it is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide. Today, obesity is usually associated with various negative stereotypes. Obese people can face social stigmatization; obesity is a reason for discrimination once again.

Fortunately, combating obesity is possible, and a lot of help is available in the form of increased knowledge and medical advances for anyone willing to take steps in the right direction. We can now better use our understanding to take care of our diet and exercise, and have a beautiful figure. But usually, people want a shortcut to achieve their desired fat loss goals. Medical advances have offered a great deal of help in terms of . These treatments can be classified into two broad categories: invasive and non-invasive.

Non-invasive fat removal treatments

Non-invasive fat removal methods target fat cells in specific areas by delivering energy as either heat or cold. Here is an introduction to three latest non-invasive fat removal procedures.

1 .   Radiofrequency: A hot way to target fat

Radiofrequency is one of the latest fat reduction technologies. This delivers energy to the areas of fat by delivering controlled heat deep into the fat cells and destroying them. Dermatologists are using this technique successfully to remove pockets of excess fat. There is no downtime associated with this method and people can resume their activities right away.

There is another great benefit of radiofrequency fat removal. It is its ability to stimulate collagen and tighten the skin. So, your skin becomes tight even after the fat is removed.

2.  Cryolipolysis: Freezing the fat

This is a new method to remove localized areas of fat in the abdomen or other parts of the body. This method works on the principle that fat cells are extra sensitive to cold temperature than other skin cells. Lipid in the fat cells is frozen which causes them to slowly dissolve with no injury. Due to this reason, it takes about 2-4 months for the results to become visible.

   3.  Ultrasound: Making waves in fat reduction

Ultrasound has a wide range of medical applications. It can penetrate the skin and destroy fat cells underneath. The difference between radiofrequency and ultrasound is that radiofrequency destroys fat by heat while ultrasound involves mechanical destruction of fat cells.

There are two points worth mentioning regarding non-invasive fat removal treatment. First, it requires patience because it takes some time to see the noticeable results. Second, these methods are not a complete substitute of surgical fat removal methods. There are certain situations, where not-invasive methods may be more suitable than invasive ones, but there are certainly some situations where it is necessary to use a surgical fat removal.

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