How to Get Better Result from Lipolysis

dubai fat removals lipolysis

Lipolysis is the breakdown of lipid droplets in the excessive fat area of the body in order to achieve great size and shape of the body. The process has been in use by the plastic surgeons and skin specialists for a long period of time but it is only meant to remove the fat deposits and it has no effect on the weight of the person. The Lipolysis procedure breaks the fat molecules in a certain part of the body to achieve contoured shape of that particular area. Lipolysis treatment can be applied on several parts of the body but commonly thighs, abdomen, buttocks, hips, stomach and chin are the most commonly treated areas.


How does it work?

The broken fat cells are dissolved in the body and can either be extracted or be used by body’s own natural process. The procedure has been in use for several decades but somehow it doesn’t provide the required results and that’s why the question of how to get the better results from Lipolysis arises. Based on the condition and type of the skin and fat cells, the skin specialists combine the Lipolysis treatment with other treatments to gain better results.


What is used?

Every dermatologist has its own formula for the breakdown of fatty cells to achieve Lipolysis but most commonly, following ingredients are used Phosphatidylcholine and Deoxycholate. Other ingredients can also be such ingredients to achieve better results from the treatment.


Downtime of Lipolysis?

Lipolysis in Dubai is done within an hour but it has around a week’s downtime and post-procedural care takes about fifteen days to heal the body properly.


How can it be better?

You can get better results from the Lipolysis treatment by introducing new formula into the blood stream to initiate the breakdown of the fat deposits but it should be remembered that every skin reacts differently to the treatment and can have devastating results if the body reacts to it. The laser Lipolysis is a treatment method that is recently developed as the alternative to the traditional Lipolysis and it allows the patient to get rid of excessive fat cells from the body without causing any downtime or any incision in the body.


Laser Lipolysis

Alternatively, you can use the Laser Lipolysis treatment to get better results in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah. The Laser treatment is recently developed and it provides better results without causing any side effects in the body. The Laser uses heat radiations to dissolve and remove the fat tissues from the body and it also provides contouring of the body instantly by initiating the collagen production. The treatment time is also decreased and there’s no downtime to the laser treatment.



Laser Lipolysis is non-surgical in nature and has been approved by FDA but it is recommended to undergo the consultation from the qualified dermatologist before undergoing the treatment. Get the free consultation from best dermatologists/cosmetologists in Dubai, Abu Dhabi by filling the form below.

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